



註冊局公佈域名.org.tw申請之修訂調整,將從2010年12月30日,00:00 (GMT 0800)起生效。
根據修訂後的政策和條件,org.tw是適用於台灣依法登記之財團法人或非營利社團法人, 需要提交統一編號資料。
- 外國非營利組織依其本國法設立登記之證明文件;及
- 申請網域名稱事由及用途,使用域名持有人之信函抬頭,簽名以及蓋章
New Registration Requirements for .ORG.TW
We would like to bring your attention on the new registration requirements for .org.tw suffix announced by Registry which effective from 2010-12-30, 00:00 (GMT+0800). .org.tw domain name registered prior to 2010-12-30, 00:00 (GMT+0800) will not be affected. Under the amended policy and requirements, .org.tw is applicable for corporation, juridical association or non-profit organization registered according to the laws within Taiwan, Tax ID is requires to be submitted during the online application.
A foreign non-profit organization may apply a .org.tw domain however registration is a manual process and requires verification from Registry. Please find below with the required supporting documents.
- Documentary proof/certificate of establishment according to the laws of their country; and
- Reason and usage of the domain application, in formal letter form with registrant’s company’s letterhead, sign and seal.


註冊局公佈域名.org.tw申請之修訂調整,將從2010年12月30日,00:00 (GMT 0800)起生效


根據修訂後的政策和條件,org.tw是適用於台灣依法登記之財團法人或非營利社團法人, 需要提交統一編號資料。


- 外國非營利組織依其本國法設立登記之證明文件;及
- 申請網域名稱事由及用途,使用域名持有人之信函抬頭,簽名以及蓋章

New Registration Requirements for .ORG.TW

We would like to bring your attention on the new registration requirements for .org.tw suffix announced by Registry which effective from 2010-12-30, 00:00 (GMT+0800). .org.tw domain name registered prior to 2010-12-30, 00:00 (GMT+0800) will not be affected. Under the amended policy and requirements, .org.tw is applicable for corporation, juridical association or non-profit organization registered according to the laws within Taiwan, Tax ID is requires to be submitted during the online application.

A foreign non-profit organization may apply a .org.tw domain however registration is a manual process and requires verification from Registry. Please find below with the required supporting documents.

- Documentary proof/certificate of establishment according to the laws of their country; and
- Reason and usage of the domain application, in formal letter form with registrant’s company’s letterhead, sign and seal.